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Lake Whitney State Park

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Leaving the Aubrey Archaeological site at Ray Roberts Dam, traveling south through Blackland Prairie on the old Preston Road, now I-35, we enter Lake Whitney State Park.


The park abounds with wildlife. Whitetail deer feed on the lush prairie growth.

Three Deer

Rabbits, armadillos, raccoons, squirrels, snakes, coyotes, bobcats, and a large variety of birds make their homes in the forests and grasslands surrounding the lake.


Sunflowers, Daisies, Bluebonnets, and Indian Paintbrushes are just a few of the many wildflowers that bloom in the spring.


The Brazos River feeds Lake Whitney. The hard, white limestone foundation crops out along its banks. At one time, these outcroppings were shelters for hunter-gathering bands.

Shore line Lake Whitney

The Brazos River was named by Spanish explorers who were so grateful for fresh water, that they proclaimed the river, the “Arms of God,” or “Brazos de Dios.”


Early Morning Moon descending over the Brazos.

Shadwow Moon
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Book 1 of a 3-part series is now available on Amazon Kindle

Shadow Trails A Paleoindian Journey through Ancient Texas